Published: December 22, 2020 4:28 PM IST
When one talks about secure and free messaging platforms, names like Telegram and WhatsApp are often thrown around. Of the two, WhatsApp is the largest messaging platform that offers security features like end-to-end encryption, biometrics security and more. These security features ensure that your WhatsApp account stays safe and your private conversations don’t fall into the wrong hands. Also Read - 5 WhatsApp upcoming features to launch in 2021: Audio message playback speed, muti-device support, and more
How does social hacking happen on WhatsApp?
There might be many WhatsApp users without technical knowledge to understand the nitty-gritty of WhatsApp and its security features. Hackers use that to their advantage by duping these users into revealing their WhatsApp authentication code. They use methods like promotional activities, a promise of cash prizes while some hack