A year ago, just as my home town was revving up its yearly special event cycle, the pandemic hit the brakes of Florida’s tourism economy and life changed abruptly for most people. I hear the rumble of Bike Week motorcycles outside this week and realize that a full year has passed.
Florida’s first pandemic death was recorded March 5, 2020, a Lee County woman recently returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic. Here in Daytona Beach, Bike Week kicked off the next day.
By the end of that week, it became clear that this pandemic thing was serious. Serious enough that on the last Friday of the event, the city of Daytona Beach yanked the outdoor Bike Week vendor permits. The mayor urged bikers to leave town early and told spring breakers to make other plans.
Naked Cowboy speaks to FOX 35 after arrest at Daytona Beach Bike Week
Naked Cowboy talks to FOX 35 about his arrest
The popular Naked Cowboy is speaking out to FOX 35 News about his arrest in Daytona Beach. Robert Burck, 51, who is widely known for wearing only white briefs, boots and a cowboy hat while playing a brightly colored guitar, was arrested Saturday, accused of violating the city s panhandling Ordinance.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. - Robert Burck, also known as the Naked Cowboy, spoke with FOX 35 News Monday after being arrested during Daytona Beach Bike Week.
The performer was charged with panhandling and resisting arrest after officers say they saw him accepting money in his guitar, which is against the city’s panhandling ordinance.
Hundreds of thousands of motorcycle riders flock to Daytona Beach, Florida for Bike Week By Sophie Lewis Miami Beach mayor on spring break COVID risk
Hundreds of thousands of people are descending upon Daytona Beach, Florida this week for the city s annual motorcycle rally despite limits on indoor capacity and parking during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Daytona Beach Bike Week marks the city s 80th anniversary of the event, taking place from March 5-14. It s advertised as one of the largest motorcycle rallies in the world city officials say upwards of 300,000 people are expected to attend. Typically in the past, it was estimated between 400,000 – 500,000 for the ten days over this entire area, Janet Kersey, Executive Vice President and COO of the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce told CBS News on Tuesday. This year, we know because of continued COVID concerns and the loss of income many have had over this past year it will be less. A reasonab
DAYTONA BEACH – In the nearly 40
minutes that quarter-sized hail dumped over parts of the Daytona Beach area late Saturday morning, wide-eyed bikers poured out of their rented rooms and into the parking lot of the Sun Viking Lodge.
They scrambled to to protect their Harley Davidsons and other motorcycles from potential damage as hail pelted them. Hail covered some areas in Daytona Beach Shores more than an inch deep, videos and photos posted on social media showed.
“I don t think anybody had an opportunity to change what they were doing,” said Gary Brown, the owner of the Sun Viking Lodge. “You were either out in it or you were inside. People who were inside their rooms were running outside trying to protect their bikes, but there’s not much you can do in this situation.