Green Light for Americaâs First Major Offshore Wind Energy Project a Historic Win for Climate, Wildlife Share Donate ); count++; }); // only show the section dots container if there are 4 or more elements if (count
Green Light for Americaâs First Major Offshore Wind Energy Project a Historic Win for Climate
Meshal DeSantis
May 11, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s Record of Decision for the Vineyard Wind project off the coast of Massachusetts which follows more than three years of federal review and public comment is a historic moment for offshore wind power and what will be the first large-scale offshore wind project in the United States.
Plan Highlights How Restoration, Resilience Investments Would Put Americans Back to Work, Protect Communities, Act on Climate Share Donate ); count++; }); // only show the section dots container if there are 4 or more elements if (count
Plan Highlights How Restoration, Resilience Investments Would Put Americans Back to Work, Protect Communities, Act on Climate
Mary Jo Brooks
Mar 04, 2021
WASHINGTON, D.C. The National Wildlife Federation unveiled an ambitious proposal to put roughly 3.5 million people to work restoring our country’s lands and waters in order to safeguard clean air and water; protect communities from wildfires, hurricanes and flooding; and save wildlife. The National Wildlife Federation urged Congress to swiftly adopt the $208 billion plan as part of an economic stimulus and recovery program.
Salmon Migration: Interactive Map Illustrates Fantastic Journey in Peril Share Donate
Salmon Migration: Interactive Map Illustrates Fantastic Journey in Peril
Jacqueline Koch
Feb 22, 2021
SEATTLE The release of a media-rich, interactive storymap,
Salmon Migration: A journey that connects us all, highlights the iconic wildlife event that brings together diverse Northwest communities, from the Pacific Coast to central Idaho. Columbia River Basin salmon and steelhead are essential for Northwest tribes, local economies, and the region’s way of life yet they’re running out of time. The Salmon Migration storymap is a timely addition to a national conversation ignited by U.S. Representative Mike Simpson’s (R-Idaho) recent proposal for the Columbia Basin Fund, a jobs and infrastructure framework that offers a strong starting point to save the Northwest’s valuable fisheries and river-dependent communities by restoring a free-flowing lower Snake River.
Michigan Gov. Whitmerâs Proposed Budget Prioritizes Clean Water
Drew YoungeDyke
Michigan Governor Proposes Investments in Clean Water Infrastructure, PFAS Clean-up
LANSING, Mich. (Feb. 11, 2021) Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposed state budget includes critically needed investments in clean water infrastructure and the clean-up of PFAS, known as “forever chemicals.” The National Wildlife Federation urged the Michigan Legislature to adopt these recommendations to help protect people and wildlife alike.
“The National Wildlife Federation supports the strong water, energy and environmental justice funding initiatives within Gov. Whitmer’s FY 2022 Executive Budget. In particular, the focus on water and energy infrastructure that is targeted toward low-income communities is a necessary and just investment,” said Mike Shriberg, Great Lakes Regional Executive Director for the National Wildlife Federation. “The funds for cleaning up PFAS, the fore
was hauled up by the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) for not getting shareholders’ approval at an AGM for the directors’ fees paid for the financial years ended Aug 31,2017 and 2018.
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, NWP said it had on Jan 26 and Feb 8 received the summons from the CCM for the failure to obtain the approval.
“Pursuant to the summons, SSM has charged NWP for failure to obtain its shareholders’ approval at the AGM for the directors’ fees paid for the financial year ended Aug 31,2017 and 2018.
Thus, NWP is deemed to be in breach of Section 230(1)(b) of the Companies Act, 2016 and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding RM3mil for each charge and any payment that is paid without shareholders’ approval is a debt by the director to the company, ” it said.