Austria plans to hold an aid conference at the end of this month or in early September to support Afghanistan's central Asian neighbours, government officials were quoted on Sunday as saying.
Deputatul liberal de Iasi Alexandru Kocsis ii cere din nou lui Eugen Pirvulescu sa se autosuspende din functia de presedinte al PNL Teleorman, la o saptamana dupa ce i-a adresat o solicitare similara. De asemenea, reia acuzatiile de dubla masura la adresa premierului Florin Citu.
NATO is maintaining its diplomatic presence in Kabul and helping to keep the city's airport running, the military alliance said on Sunday as Taliban insurgents entered the Afghan capital.
Con apenas 16 años de edad, el preparatoriano Isaac Carreón Martínez enfermó gravemente de Covid-19 y tuvo que permanecer intubado durante diez días; .