In a release, Cheney said ''We are the best-equipped state in the nation to produce affordable and reliable energy, and that will be enhanced with the construction and operation of a nuclear power plant.''
Two power companies owned respectively by billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have chosen the site of a retiring coal power plant as the likely site for an experimental nuclear power plant. Gates’ TerraPower and Buffett’s PacifiCorp hope that the location of the new reactor will be confirmed by the end of the year, and the potential site was announced during a press conference in Wyoming.
The Natrium reactor is a molten sodium nuclear fission reactor, similar to the ones being built in China that are at the center of international concerns. The reason is that such reactors produce more radioactive material than they consume, and among such products there’s plutonium. Plutonium can be used in other nuclear reactors or countries can decide to use it for nuclear weapons. These types of reactors are known as fast reactors.