Three giraffes have died after walking into low-hanging electricity cables at a Kenyan wildlife park.
One was killed after coming into contact with a live wire on Sunday, while the two others were electrocuted in a similar incident on Friday.
All three were Rothschild s giraffes, which are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICU).
The deaths occurred at the Soysambu Conservancy in Kenya s Nakuru County and prompted outrage on social media, particularly towards the electricity company that maintains the line. This is sad and uncalled for negligence of the highest order, one Twitter user wrote.
Comedian Eric Omondi with his fiancé Chantal Juliet Grazioli. PHOTO | COURTESY
ITALIAN Chantal Grazioli has rubbished claims by her ex-fiancé comedian Eric Omondi that she will be featured in Wife Material Show Season 2.
It is the comedian, who appears keen to court controversy of late, that revealed this development in a recent interview. Omondi claimed he was in consultation with his two ex-girlfriends Chantal and former TV girl Jacque Maribe to have them appear in his second installment of Wife Material Show.
But in a quick rejoinder, Grazioli made it clear that she will not take part in the show stating that the reports were just but fake.
She claims to have been politically persecuted by authorities in her home country in the aftermath of the January 14 general elections.
“I am in Kenya because Ugandans in the opposition who have criticized the government of Yoweri Museveni are getting abducted every day from the streets, from their homes, from their beds. Ugandans are kidnapped from private cars and taken to detention facilities where they are tortured and interrogated about their next plans for the liberation,” explained the academic scholar.
Nyanzi, a former research fellow at Makerere University, lost in her bid to become Kampala Woman MP during the polls. She adds that she is happy to have made it out of Uganda alive.