May 14 2021, 12:59 pm | BY Ricki Green | No Comments
The leading gun violence prevention organization, Sandy Hook Promise (SHP), has launched its latest PSA campaign titled The Kids Are Not Alright to bring awareness of the mounting mental health challenges facing America’s youth and teens.
The campaign is directed by Sweetshop’s half-Swedish, half-Hungarian director Jakob Marky, who also spent time in Australia to earn his stripes in the film industry. Created with BBDO NY, the films aim to raise parent’s awareness of this rising threat, and educate them on signs of emotional distress. Because, once you know the signs, you can prevent ALL forms of violence against youth.
The JAX LNG facility located along the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, Florida, US, is expanding its capacity – tripling liquefaction to 360 000 gal./d and doubling LNG storage to 4 million gal. The expansion is expected to be placed in service by early 2022 and will support a new long-term LNG supply agreement with a major maritime company for its dual-fuelled ships.
JAX LNG began operations in 2018 and is a joint venture between Pivotal LNG (Pivotal), a BHE GT&S company, and NorthStar Midstream (NorthStar). Global trends toward cleaner energy and new international maritime emissions regulations are driving demand for LNG. Following completion of the JAX LNG expansion, Pivotal’s network of LNG assets will reach a production capacity of over 470 000 gal./d and a storage capacity of approximately 9 million gal. at its three facilities in Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania, US.
Florida’s JAX LNG set for expansion
May 10, 2021 2:00:pm
by: Daniel Graeber
Posted in:
Florida’s JAX LNG set for expansion
Parties involved in the JAX LNG facility in Florida said May 6 that the plan to triple the facility s liquefaction capacity and double its storage was well underway.
The expansion for the facility along the St. John’s River in Jacksonville, Florida, would triple liquefaction capacity to 360,000 gallons/d and double storage to 4mn gallons.
“The expansion is expected to be placed in service by early 2022 and will support a new long-term LNG supply agreement with a major maritime company for its dual-fuelled ships,” project partners announced.
Richmond Hill City Council on Tuesday approved $67,500 for improvements to J.F. Gregory Park, which is a popular location for events.
The improvements include repairs and updates to the lookout platform, bathroom renovations and the cost of installing surveillance cameras. The money comes from special purposed local option sales tax VII funds.
This was among the consent agenda items discussed at the April 20 workshop and approved unanimously Tuesday night.
Mayor Russ Carpenter said the city will have an in-person Memorial ceremony at 11 a.m. May 31 in J.F. Gregory Park. Also, the city’s annual Independence Day Celebration will be held at 4:30 p.m. July 3 at the park. There will be fireworks, food, inflatables and more with music provided by the Swinging Medallions.
édité le 07/05/2021
The JAX LNG facility located along the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida, is expanding its capacitytripling liquefaction to 360,000 gallons a day and doubling LNG storage to 4 million gallons. The expansion is expected to be placed in service by early 2022 and will support a new long-term LNG supply agreement with a major maritime company for its dual-fueled ships.
JAX LNG began operations in 2018 and is a joint venture between Pivotal LNG (Pivotal), a BHE GT&S company, and NorthStar Midstream (NorthStar). Global trends toward cleaner energy and new international maritime emissions regulations are driving demand for LNG. Following completion of the JAX LNG expansion, Pivotals network of LNG assets will reach a production capacity of over 470,000 gallons per day and a storage capacity of approximately 9 million gallons at its three facilities in Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania