Amazon Tax Breaks Come With New Gates Plant By Jim Aroune and Spectrum News Staff Gates UPDATED 3:24 PM ET Jan. 15, 2021 PUBLISHED 7:12 AM ET Jan. 15, 2021 PUBLISHED 7:12 AM EST Jan. 15, 2021
Imagine three Bills stadiums, nose-to-nose on property at 2600 Mainitou Road.
What You Need To Know
Amazon will deliver at 2.6 million square foot warehouse to 100 acres of the Rochester Tech Park in Gates
The E-commerce giant is in line for $130M break over 15 years for its distribution center
The Gates complex will be third in Monroe County, following Amazon facilities in Henrietta and Greece
That is what the tech and e-commerce giant has planned for Rochester Tech Park. It will be larger than the new Amazon facility in