The actor, 54, looked tense as he was seen in his hometown of Palm Springs, California, on Wednesday. It s the first time Barrowman has been seen since being removed from an upcoming event.
BBC cuts John Barrowman from upcoming DOCTOR WHO: TIME FRACTURE due to his sexual misconduct.
Update regarding John Barrowman s pre-recorded appearance in Doctor Who: Time Fracture - as per the FAQ on the official website. Casts doubt on the upcoming graphic novel tie-in getting a release. Gerard Groves (@GerardGroves) May 11, 2021
- John Barromwan
has been cut from the upcoming Doctor Who: Time Fracture , their newest immersive theatre experience.
- A few weeks ago it was announced that John Barrowman and David Bradley will reprise their roles as Captain Jack and the First Doctor, but now Barrowman has been removed from the project (which had already filmed their roles). It will still somehow include Torchwood.
Doctor Who Audio Adventure Starring John Barrowman and David Tennant Cancelled
John Barrowman as Jack Harkness in Torchwood. (Image: BBC America)
It’s only been two days since the
Time Fracture announced actor John Barrowman’s role as Jack Harkness would be removed from the exhibition. Now, another upcoming Barrowman project has disappeared. The audio adventure publisher Big Finish has cancelled the upcoming series
Torchwood: Absent Friends, which would have reunited Harkness and the Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant.
Big Finish’s announcement was succinct, and did not give any reason for the cancelation: “Big Finish has taken the decision to remove
Barrowman had already filmed a scene for
Time Fracture, a show that combines multimedia content with live performance and audience participation. But the show’s creators chose to delete Barrowman’s character Jack Harkness in light of the actor’s increasingly controversial reputation. They announced that while Barrowman will no longer appear, “We will continue to include content that pays tribute to this brilliant show that is Torchwood so as not to disappoint its fans, and are working on an exciting storyline to be announced soon.” Advertisement Hide
This suggests that Barrowman’s recurring
Doctor Who role may be under threat as well. First appearing in the 2005 season of