The SACP called Mogoeng to “humble himself, and unreservedly apologise for and retract the utterances” which generated controversy and infuriated Palestine solidarity groups.
[LISTEN] Prof. Salim Vally: Ruling on Mogoeng to Retract & Apologise for Israel-Palestine Comments a Victory
Mar 05, 2021
Respected academic and activist, University of Johannesburg Professor Salim Vally says the ruling by the Judicial Conduct Committee for Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng to retract and apologise for his comments on the Israeli and Palestinian conflict is a significant milestone.
Mogoeng came under severe criticism following his remarks during a webinar with The Jerusalem newspaper, where he lamented the South African government’s policy regarding the Israel-Palestinian conflict and said that it would have greater influence if it displayed a more balanced approach.
Pro-Palestine South African organisation Africa 4 Palestine laid a complaint about Mogoeng’s comments.
The JCC said that by the chief justice straying into politics, he breached the judicial conduct code and ordered him to issue an apology and retraction