On This Day: Germany wages unrestricted sub warfare during WWI
On Jan. 31, 1917, Germany announces it will wage unrestricted submarine warfare against all ships, including passenger carriers, in war-zone waters.
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On January 31, 1917, Germany announces it will wage unrestricted submarine warfare against all ships, including passenger carriers, in war-zone waters. File Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
On January 31, 1968, Viet Cong guerillas raided the U.S. Embassy in Saigon as part of the Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. File Photo courtesy the U.S. Army
On January 31, 2001, a Scottish court meeting in the Netherlands convicted a Libyan man, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103. UPI/Crown Office | License Photo
“Jeers to President Trump” – It is an American tradition to attend your successor’s inaugural, or in some cases a defeated opponent attends. It must be hard, but it’s a symbolic tip of the hat to our tradition of a peaceful transition of power. It must have broken Gerald Ford’s heart to watch Jimmy Carter being sworn in in 1977, and the same for Carter in 1981 when Ronald Reagan won. But they manned-up and showed up. Richard Nixon did not attend Gerald Ford’s swearing-in in 1974, so as not to be a distraction. Given Nixon’s sudden resignation, that was probably best.GET THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS HERE SIGN UP FOR GOLOCAL FREE DAILY EBLAST
Most notoriously, Roberts saved the exceedingly unconstituional and awful Obamacare by asserting a “The mandate is a tax” argument its proponents barely made.
Most recently, Roberts joined with six other Justices in deciding not to take Texas’ case against several presidential-election-stealing states. The Court’s ridiculous decision ridiculously means a state that cheats in a national election – which screws everyone in the nation – is the only entity that is allowed to do anything about it. Which is asinine. Which is saying the only person who can prosecute a murder – is the murderer.
But Roberts can do some good. And has. To wit: This just happened.
(Win McNamee/Pool via AP)
There is a subset of the Comment-ariat who make their living watching the courts – and specifically the Supreme Court.
And humans being human – this subset likes to hazard guesses as to how the Big Nine (for now, anyway) will rule.
Largely predicated upon the behavior of the Big Nine during hearings. What questions were asked, how they were asked, etc.
My joke for many years was the evenly divided Court would rule to the Left or Right depending upon what Justice Anthony Kennedy – aka Flipper – had for breakfast that day. This was also true – to a lesser extent – with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor.