In officially launching his campaign to become the next leader of the embattled Democratic Labour Party (DLP) yesterday at Hilton Barbados, former diplomat Reverend Guy Hewitt revealed that a week before deciding to challenge current leader Verla De Peiza, he had no interest in elective politics. What changed was what he was seeing in Barbados, Hewitt told a small crowd gathered at the Needham’s Point, St Michael venue, that included …
BTMI to host entry and safety protocols sensitisation workshops
Article by April 18, 2021
The Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness, will be facilitating two Entry and Safety Protocols Sensitisation Workshops on Thursday, April 22, and Friday, April 23.
The workshops will be held at the Hilton Barbados Resort, Needham’s Point, St Michael, and will offer attendees the opportunity to gain first-hand information on the new entry and safety protocols for the industry.
There will be two sessions each day, with the first session running from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon, and the second from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
by Bajan Reporter / January 7th, 2021
On Wednesday, January 6th 2021 25 year old
Zara Holland, from Great Britain and now staying at the Hilton Hotel, Needham’s Point, St Michael where some quarantined patients stay and formerly at the Sugar Bay Hotel, Hastings, Christ Church then appeared yesterday at the District ‘D’ Magistrates’ Court in Cane Garden, St Thomas. The UK medical fugitive stood before Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes in relation to the offence of
Breach of Quarantine which occurred on the 29th of December 2020.
She pleaded guilty to the offence and was fined
$12,000.00 or six thousand in US currency and to be paid in seven (