The criticism comes from all across the province and all over the world. It encompasses the past, present and future. The only common thread is that Alberta’s governments are wrong, says oil service executive David Yager.
The company, Canada s Carbon Engineering, counts Bill Gates and oilsands investor Murray Edwards among its backers
Author of the article: Gabriel Friedman
Publishing date: Mar 09, 2021  â¢Â March 9, 2021  â¢Â 4 minute read  â¢Â Canadian e-commerce company Shopify Inc. is one of the first corporations to utilize large-scale carbon removal technology as part of its effort to limit climate change. Photo by David Kawai/Bloomberg
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Canadian e-commerce company Shopify Inc. announced Tuesday it will pay to remove 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, marking one of the first corporations to utilize large-scale carbon removal technology as part of its effort to limit climate change.
Shopify purchases 10,000 tonnes of carbon removal from Carbon Engineering
E-commerce giant Shopify has agreed to purchase 10,000 tonnes of direct air capture (DAC) carbon removal from Squamish-based startup Carbon Engineering. This new purchase is in addition to a previous 5,000-tonne commitment Shopify made with Switzerland-based Climeworks.
The purchase of carbon removal is being made through Shopify’s Sustainability Fund, which launched in 2019.
Shopify claims it has now purchased more tonnes of DAC carbon removal than any other company in history. A spokesperson for Shopify told BetaKit the e-commerce company verified this claim with Carbon Engineering and Climeworks, and also measured its purchase against all publicly disclosed DAC purchases to date. The spokesperson declined to disclose the price of the latest purchase to BetaKit.
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Canadian e-commerce company Shopify Inc. announced Tuesday it will pay to remove 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, marking one of the first corporations to utilize large-scale carbon removal technology as part of its effort to limit climate change.
Under the deal, Shopify will pay an undisclosed amount to Squamish, B.C.-based Carbon Engineering Ltd to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon Engineering will achieve this through its U.S. partner 1PointFive, which is building a plant in Texas capable of removing 500,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year once its completed by 2024.
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