The historical antecedent of man is inundated with changes
orchestrated majorly by man s quest for a better and easier
means of survival. Starting from the era when according to Thomas
Hobbes, t
he life of man was solitary, poor,
nasty, brutish, and short to the modern
technological age, change has remained constant in almost all
spheres of life. This quest for change led Satoshi Nakamoto
1 in
2008 into developing a new technology offering, Bitcoin
Blockchain . It is widely believed that Blockchain (BC)
could potentially be a significant driving force behind the next
wave industrial revolution,
2 due to its versatile and trust
Shire’s legal review of Fox beach land claims
MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire Council is seeking legal advice over moves by trucking magnate Lindsay Fox to claim yet another slice of Point King beach as his own.
The contentious 2008-09 dredging of Port Phillip and widening of The Heads has being blamed for sand being washed from Portsea beach to the beach at Point King in front of the $30 million Fox family compound.
Cr Hugh Fraser successfully moved at the Tuesday 8 December council meeting that shire CEO John Baker provide councillors with a detailed written report on all current planning applications, consents by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, litigation at VCAT and the Supreme Court, and applications to Land Use Victoria, concerning Mr Fox’s landholding.
Apollonia is giving me headache -Gbetsile Stool
The Gbetsile Stool says it has petitioned the Lands Commission to immediately start looking into the encroachment of its lands by Apollonia.
The Gbetsile Stool requested the Lands Commission to expunge the plotting of the portion of the Gbetsile lands into Apollonia from their records as it is legally indefensible.
In a petition filed on behalf of the Gbetsile Stool by its Counsel, Prosper Xorla Nyahe, of Nyahe Law Consult, the Petitioner draws the attention of the Lands Commission to one Iddrisu Mansro, who is alleged to be eating deep into Gbetsile Stool lands and plotting same, as part of Appolonia lands.