IIU clinches research and development grant
January 7, 2021
Islamabad : The team of International Islamic University (IIU) has brought an honor to the International Islamic University (IIU) by winning yet another international Research and Development (R&D) grant from HEC and British Council.
Dr. Imran Murtaza, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja and Centre for Advanced Electronics and Photovoltaic Engineering (CAEPE) won the grant.
The project aimed to engineer the Energy harvesters and develop the self-charging power packs with the potential to revolutionize wearable technology and electric cars.
This new technology is well-aligned with the energy priority area of both Pakistan and the UK, and will enable to enhance and improve the performance of current technology such as health, environment and food quality monitoring, smart cities and buildings, transportation, sport activities, space expeditions and military devices.