U.S. Travel Association has announced the hiring of
Nicole Porter as vice president, political affairs – PAC and grassroots, a newly created position. In her new role, Porter will be responsible for both political fundraising from among the association membership, and for growing the organization’s grassroots program to increase political education and involvement across the travel industry.
Porter was most recently the senior director, political and advocacy affairs at the National Retail Federation. She has also run her own campaign fundraising consulting firm,
COVID pandemic has further underscored the importance of political engagement for the travel industry, as we work to rebuild from the devastation of the past year and reclaim our place as one of the top job-creating sectors in the
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With Daniel Lippman Doug Jones (D-Ala.) and Cissy Jackson are joining
Arent Fox’s government relations and government enforcement and white collar groups as counsel. Jackson previously was counsel and national security adviser for Jones. Jones said he won t register to lobby but that still leaves incredible opportunities to me to advise clients and help them navigate the political world and the world of D.C. without registering as a lobbyist.
Idaho Falls Police investigating crash involving vehicle and wheelchair-bound man
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Courtesy Nicole Porter
IDAHO FALLS – A wheelchair-bound man has been hospitalized after getting hit by a vehicle in Idaho Falls Thursday afternoon.
Idaho Falls Police Department spokeswoman Jessica Clements tells EastIdahoNews.com the crash occurred on Saturn Avenue and Broadway Street just before 3 p.m.
Witnesses say the wheelchair-bound man was crossing the street at the time of the crash.
Kerry Hammon with the Idaho Falls Fire Department says the 50-year-old man has minor injuries and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. She isn’t sure which hospital.
Ames Tribune
The United States incarcerates more people per capita than any other country, with Black Americans disproportionately facing prison time including in Iowa.
This pattern of punishment is definitely a through line that started with slavery through today, Nicole Porter, director of advocacy at the Sentencing Project, said at a virtual Ames NAACP event Thursday.
The organization s Taking the Lead series this year is called The Color of Injustice. A recording of Thursday s event, moderated by KCCI anchor/reporter Rheya Spigner, is available at facebook.com/AmesIowaBranchoftheNAACP.
In comparison to other states, Iowa is a moderate incarceration state, Porter said. But Iowa s prisons also have some of the nation s highest racial disparities.