MANSFIELD A town restaurant has been fined $3,700 for violating capacity limits and operating its bar amid COVID-19 restrictions in Massachusetts.
On Dec. 31, close to 90 people were ringing in the new year at Sake in Mansfield Crossing, according to police.
The problem was Massachusetts restaurants are currently restricted to a 25 percent capacity limit to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. For Sake, that meant about 25 people.
The Mansfield Board of Health unanimously decided on Jan. 7 during a virtual meeting to issue the $3,700 fine.
The governor’s order allows the town to fine restaurants as much as $500 per person over the restaurant’s capacity restriction. The board of health chose to fine Sake $50 per person as well as add a $500 fine for operating the bar outside of state guidelines.
Wicked Local
MANSFIELD – On Dec. 31, close to 90 people were ringing in the New Year at Sake in Mansfield Crossing, according to police.
The problem was Massachusetts restaurants are currently restricted to a 25 percent capacity limit to help stop the spread of COVID-19. For Sake, that meant about 25 people.
The Board of Health fined Sake $3,700 for violating the capacity limits and operating its bar in a unanimous decision during its Jan. 7 virtual meeting.
The governor’s order allows the town to fine restaurants as much as $500 per person over the restaurant’s capacity restriction. The BOH chose to fine Sake $50 per person as well as add a $500 fine for operating the bar outside of state guidelines.