Release Date: 16/04/2021 08:00
Code(s):MEI Wrap Text
Mediclinic International plc
(Incorporated in England and Wales)
Company Number: 08338604
LSE Share Code: MDC
JSE Share Code: MEI
NSX Share Code: MEP
LEI: 2138002S5BSBIZTD5I60
(?Mediclinic?, the ?Company?, or the ?Group?)
16 April 2021
FY21 Trading Update
Mediclinic, the diversified international private healthcare services group, provides the following
trading update ahead of the publication of the Group?s results for the financial year ended 31
March 2021 (?FY21?), currently scheduled for 26 May 2021. The information on which this
update is based represents the Group?s latest financial estimates and has not been reviewed
Teaching Platform Helps Navigate the Turbulent Waters of Swing Trading By IBT Contributor Teaching Platform Helps Navigate the Turbulent Waters of Swing Trading Photo: Jason Lee Money can t bring you happiness, but it can bring you a more pleasant form of misery. These words of wisdom are from British comedian Spike Milligan. And while COVID-19 has opened a can of worms for the USA’s economy, misery can be offset when it comes to making money.
It’s a fact confirmed recently in a study published by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania that concludes well-being rises incrementally with the amount of money one makes. According to Matthew Killingsworth, the author of the study, if someone has a financial cushion, it will give them more agency over their life.
Turquoise Hill beats profit estimates on higher copper, gold production (Adds profit comparison, metal prices, costs, capital
expenditure outlook) March 8 (Reuters) - Canada s Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd
posted a surprise rise in quarterly profit on Monday,
helped by increased production of copper and gold at its Oyu
Tolgoi mine in Mongolia. The results come a week after Chief Executive Officer Ulf
Quellmann resigned amid a protracted dispute between the company
and its top shareholder, Rio Tinto, over funding for the
underground expansion of the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine. Oyu Tolgoi is one of the world s largest copper-gold-silver
mines. Rio owns 51% of Turquoise Hill, which in turn owns 66% of
The Globe and Mail Anna Sharratt Published March 8, 2021
What he does: Oil and gas control-panel operator
Where he lives: Fort McMurray, Alta.
Top financial concern: “We’d like to pay off our mortgage while trying to start a family, while saving and investing for retirement.”
When the pandemic hit, Josh didn’t panic or hunker down. Instead, the Fort McMurray-based oil and gas control-panel operator drained his emergency fund – a total of $22,000 he had set aside for trips and emergencies – and invested it in his online brokerage account.
“When the markets crashed last year, I went all-in with our emergency fund and purchased equity,” he says. “It was a good time to buy some ETFs we had been eyeing for some time. [The market] has come back nicely.”
Mozambique s GDP likely declined by 1.3% in 2020 - World Bank (Adds details) MAPUTO, March 4 (Reuters) - Mozambique s economy likely
registered its first contraction in nearly three decades last
year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, further compromising years of hard-won development gains, the World Bank said on Thursday. The country s real gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated
to have declined by 1.3% in 2020 compared to a pre-COVID growth
estimate of 4.3%, the bank said in its World Bank Mozambique
Economic Update report. The pandemic hit Mozambique s economy as it was attempting
to recover from the protracted slowdown triggered by the hidden
debt crisis and two cyclones, Idai and Kenneth, that rocked the