the coast While some children have fond memories of going to the candy shop or the toy store, Greg Richard’s memories are of trips to the local pharmacy. “When I was growing up, I remember going to the pharmacy. Maybe that’s a weird thing but I remember it, and I remember being just so impressed with this feeling of they know me, I know them and it’s almost like a family-type feel,” he says. “Community pharmacy has been like, pretty much the only option for me.” Richard wears a blue sweater with a nametag pinned on, and although he has a black face mask, you can tell he’s smiling underneath. He’s approachable. Between chatting with a maintenance guy and helping a senior find some insoles, he sits with The Coast in the bright back office of the new Boyd’s Pharmasave at 2525 Agricola Street, the same place he hears patients’ needs and writes prescription
From Australia with love
Jordie Lane follows in the great tradition of traveling folkies like Neil Young and Gram Parsons. Catch him while you can. Jordie Lane hears no evil, speaks none too. Growing up, my dad was a clown and my mom was a comedian, so the idea of performing wasn t foreign to me, says Australian folk-singer Jordie Lane. But the idea of being a rock star, I didn t even know what that was. Then, when he was 10, a new kid moved to Lane s school, sharing with him records by The Beatles, Van Morrison and The Boss, which began Lane s obsession with musicianship.
For Immediate Release
Issued: March 1, 2021
Halifax, NS – On Friday afternoon, Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin and Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Medical Officer of Health, announced tighter COVID-19 restrictions in the province. 1/6 Halifax Boat Show (@halifaxboatshow) March 1, 2021
But now Strang and Rankin have flip-flopped. “Many restrictions that came into effect on Feb. 27, such as restaurant hours, sport competitions, culture performances and non-essential travel, will end,” says a release issued today by the province. As of tomorrow, Friday, March 5 at 8am, just six days of restrictions later, we’ll return to nearly the same C19 rules that were in effect before last weekend. People can travel into and out of Halifax, sports games and in-person arts performances are allowed to happen, restaurants don’t have to close an hour early, weddings and funerals can have up to 100 attendees indoors. (The r