…This is probably why you shouldn’t travel outside of Canada right now.
The talk of the town is about two people from the Valley that have to pay off a hefty medical bill. These “Snowbirds” went to Florida in the fall (Florida has plenty of COVID-19 cases). Unfortunately, they both contracted COVID-19.
Most-read story on our site this morning: Nova Scotia snowbirds face large medical bill after contracting COVID-19 in Florida https://t.co/xBiCNYVIbEpic.twitter.com/HWreJBwUOf The Chronicle Herald (@chronicleherald) January 27, 2021
Long story short; their insurance won’t cover their medical costs because they got sick with COVID-19.
iPolitics By iPolitics. Published on Jan 27, 2021 12:38pm (Pexel photo)
The Lead
The results of a climate change poll developed by Oxford University and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) were released today. The survey was distributed on phone game applications like Angry Birds, which expanded its demographic reach by allowing for more younger people to submit responses. In total, more than 1.2 million people from 50 countries participated, making it largest survey ever conducted on climate change, according to the Globe and Mail.
The survey found that close to 70 per cent of people under 18 believe climate change is a global emergency versus 58 per cent of those over 60.
Nova Scotia mill proposes building biochar plant January 27, 2021
According to
The Chronicle Herald, the biochar plant would use wood fibre from the sawmill, including softwood chips, to produce biochar.
This plant would help reduce the amount of the large amount of wood chips left in the province after the closure of Northern Pulp in January last year.
Wilber told
The Chronicle Herald that he believes the biochar plant could help replace the market for wood chips that Northern Pulp had previously provided.
Once Elsmdale Lumber has met all municipal, provincial and federal requirements, it will take 18 months to two years to construct the plant and begin operating.
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01/27/2021 10:00 AM EST
Welcome to Corridors. I’m your host, Maura Forrest. In today’s edition: Vaccines loom large over the new sitting of Parliament, Trudeau wavers on travel restrictions, and we consider options for the next GG. Get in touch: [email protected]