A Look Back in the Gazette archives
Published: 1/18/2021 2:43:29 PM
50 Years Ago
■Miss Gloria Bisaillon has retired from the Northampton school system after 30 years, 29 as head of the Girls’ Physical Education Department at Northampton High School. A 1931 graduate of NHS, she was the leading girls’ basketball player in western Mass. and captained the Devilettes during her senior year.
■Private David Elliott has recently completed advanced training at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and will take up new duties when he leaves for Germany in February. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elliott, 63 Jackson St., Northampton.
25 Years Ago
■Before a group of downtown businesspeople, architects and contractors, Northampton Film Associates Inc. launched an effort yesterday to save the Calvin Theater as a space for movies and live entertainment. By using a $18,000 donation, the group will attempt to lay the groundwork for an eventual sale and help preserve the Calvin as a home for a
Seventh-Day Adventist Church buys former Blessed Sacrament in Northampton
Updated Jan 14, 2021;
Posted Jan 14, 2021
The former Blessed Sacrament Roman Catholic Church at 354 Elm St. in Northampton has been sold to the Southern New England Conference of the Seventh-day Adventists.Don Treeger / The Republican file
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NORTHAMPTON A growing Seventh-Day Adventist congregation based in Florence bought the former Blessed Sacrament Church at 354 Elm St. for $455,000.
The transaction, recorded at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Dec. 30, doesn’t include the rectory next door. But that property, still listed in city records as owned by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield, is no longer listed for sale.
Northampton shelter seeks more volunteers
United Way of Hampshire County workers at a new emergency shelter open at First Churches in Northampton. The United Way is seeking volunteers to help with tasks such as setting up cots, distributing food and creating activities for guests. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Published: 12/14/2020 7:33:09 AM
NORTHAMPTON With a new emergency shelter open at First Churches, United Way of Hampshire County is putting out a call for volunteers to help with tasks such as setting up cots, distributing food and creating activities for guests.
The shelter, operated by ServiceNet with support from the city of Northampton, opened at First Churches of Northampton earlier this month and can accommodate up to 30 to 35 people at a time.