Orameds jab-free oral Covid-19 vaccine is one of many in the form of pills, powders, or sprays that may hit the market in the next few years, which could dramatically expand vaccine rollout and uptake. An Israeli team is preparing to start trials of what could be the first Covid-19
Thailand plans to start human trials on two Covid-19 vaccines via nasal spray by the end of this year after promising results of experiment in mice, a Thai official has said.
11 de agosto de 2021, 5:28Moscú, 11 ago (Prensa Latina) El Centro Nacional de Investigación de Epidemiología y Microbiología Gamaleya anunció hoy la finalización de los ensayos preclínicos de la versión nasal de la vacuna Sputnik V contra la Covid-19 e iniciarán la investigación clínic