Discount on Car Insurance Without a License? (We Find Out)
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Jan 27, 2021
For any number of reasons, a person may own a car without having a license. While this is perfectly fine, it leads to questions about insurance. Car insurance is often expensive, but it is a necessity for any car owner. That being said, can a person without a driver’s license find discounts on their car insurance?
What We ll Cover
If you do not have a license, you can still have affordable car insurance. It will be harder to find an insurance carrier that will take you on, but it is possible. Even without a license, there are still options for you if you are seeking lower insurance prices.
Car Insurance Discounts for Bipolar
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Jan 27, 2021
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition known for causing periods of extreme happiness, followed by periods of extreme sadness. While the severity of the condition varies, bipolar disorder can also be characterized as a disability in all cases, which can affect car insurance premiums.
What We ll Cover
Typically, insurance companies do not offer discounts for a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. In fact, bipolar disorder can increase insurance premiums due to the risk associated with certain aspects of the disorder.
So if there are no discounts offered for people with bipolar disorder, can the diagnosis affect insurance cost in any way? In this article, you will learn what is and is not a valid reason for insurance companies to raise premiums if you or someone you know has bipolar disorder.
Is Insurance a Scam?
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This site aims to serve as a helpful guide for our users to learn and compare different buying options. Ratings are based on our subjective opinions from evaluating hundreds verified customer reviews. By clicking on the products below, we may receive a commission at no cost to you. Car Insurance
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Jan 27, 2021
Whenever I get asked this question, I always think of the movie Meet The Parents. Remember the scene? Pam wants to get rental car insurance and Greg, eager to impress her, says: “No honey! It’s a scam”. Minutes later they arrive at Pam’s parents, and Greg smashes the car’s windshield after throwing a brick at Jack’s’ RV. Don’t worry, says
Top Car Insurance Comparison Sites for the Lowest Rates (2021 Review)
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Feb 01, 2021
One of America’s founding father Ben Franklin was noted for saying, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” But, that’s only because he didn’t live long enough to pay car insurance premiums. In modern times, it’s more accurate to claim that nothing is certain except death, taxes,
and car insurance.
In most states, you are required to obtain auto insurance. Currently, only two states don’t require car insurance: Virginia and New Hampshire. If you think the legal requirement to obtain car insurance results in a plethora of providers, you’d be correct. Add to that the variances in state regulations, and you instantly see the need for reliable price quotes. It is for this very reason that car insurance comparison sites have grown in popularity. However, this naturally inspires another question: “What are the best car insurance com
10 Best NerdWallet Alternatives in 2021
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Get new insights in business and personal finance. Stay on top of the latest trends in lifestyle and the outdoors and get price-drop alerts on the hottest products. Thanks for Joining! Advertising Disclosure
This site aims to serve as a helpful guide for our users to learn and compare different buying options. Ratings are based on our subjective opinions from evaluating hundreds verified customer reviews. By clicking on the products below, we may receive a commission at no cost to you. Business Naomi Bishop
Feb 01, 2021
NerdWallet has quickly leapt into the top echelon of personal finance websites in the United States. Launched in 2009 by founder and CEO Tim Chen, the site has become a juggernaut in the very competitive personal finance space, surpassing older and more established players like BankRate. According to Inc. Magazine, the company is worth a staggering $500 million, and that number is