Story Time: The Worst Christmas Present I Ever Got
Christmas is a very exciting time for a little kid. They are just buzzing with energy and wonder and all that good stuff. But one year, it wasn t that way for me. We used to do different sets of Christmas celebrations with different parts of the family, as many of you do. One year, when I was seven, I got a set of pot holders for Christmas.
Let me unpack that.
My Father s family is from the south. Lester and Barbara married in their teens and had traditional southern values. They went to church, they had a little bit of land, and they had about twenty dogs (I seem to remember one wore a diaper). We d go out to their house for weekends pretty often as a kid. They were sweet people with the best of intentions, and loved us all dearly. But I think that the world changed around them pretty quickly - and they didn t always change WITH the world.