Serafina Silaitoga
Residents of Naodamu PRB Housing area wade through floodwaters in Labasa yesterday. Picture: SUPPLIED
Government officials and police personnel risked their lives yesterday, rescuing people living in low-lying areas around Labasa.
Police stepped in to close various entrances to flooded areas including the town after the Labasa River burst its banks.
Officials who preferred to remain anonymous said they travelled as far as Soasoa, outside Labasa Town to rescue people who were stuck in their houses as the main road and drains were flooded.
In a squatter settlement at Namara, most families refused to move when police personnel arrived to rescue them.
Dec 20, 2020 10:56:33 AM Police has confirmed 14 cases for curfew restriction breaches in the last 48 hours, one of whom is a juvenile. A statement issued by the Fiji Police Force this morning stated that two people were arrested in the Southern Division from Thursday at 11 pm to Friday at 4 am. This included an 18-year-old man who was found drunk and loitering along the Reba Circle area in Nadera while a 22-year-old man was arrested for loitering and drunk along the Kinoya area. The statement said that in the last 24-hours, twelve cases were recorded including a juvenile. The Western Division recorded two cases where a 60-year-old man was found driving without a valid reason and a 39-year-old man, arrested for loitering and drunk along the Ba town area.