Author of the article: Stephen Tipper
Publishing date: Dec 31, 2020 • December 31, 2020 • 2 minute read •
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Nanton Town council has agreed to provide grants to three community organizations and funding to other organizations with funding agreements in place with the municipality.
The Town received three grant applications for 2021 that meet the criteria of the grants disbursement policy.
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The municipality is providing the Junior Achievement program with $600, the Nanton Animal Protection Society (NAPS) with $1,208, and the Canadian Grain Elevator Society $3,750, as approved by Town council during the Dec. 16 special meeting.
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Jennifer Herman, executive director of the Nanton Quality of Life Foundation, wraps a gift Thursday during the foundation’s “Santa’s Gone Loonie!” event. The annual program allows youth to purchase Christmas presents for family members for $1 each and have the gifts wrapped. The foundation took registrations in advance, and 46 youth in all came to the foundation’s office on Dec. 16 and 17, between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., in a staggered manner to ensure the safety of everyone during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Nanton Town council held off making a couple of decisions at its Dec. 7 meeting due to internet issues.
While Mayor Jennifer Handley and Couns. Beryl West, Dave Mitchell and were in council chambers at the Tom Hornecker Recreation Centre (THRC) warm room, Couns. Victor Czop, John G. Dozeman and Terry Wickett each attended remotely, through online video.
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Try refreshing your browser. Nanton Town council delays decisions due to internet issues Back to video
Council had been discussing the five-year capital plan when internet problems emerged, making it difficult for the three councillors attending via video to hear everything being said in council chambers. Wickett said the internet connection was “sporadic.”