BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari, who is pitted against his mentor turned adversary, Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee, in the Nandigram assembly seat, on Sunday locked horns with his former party seeking to appropriate the legacy of Nandigram movement just days ahead of the assembly polls. The TMC observes March 14 as Nandigram Divas to pay respect to the 14 people killed in police firing on this day during an anti-land acquisition stir in 2007. The TMC, after coming to power, has also been observing the day as Krishak Divas. Adhikari, who was considered the face of the movement, lashed out at the ruling TMC, saying that opportunists who have given promotion to the officers responsible for the 2007 police firing have no right to seek votes from the people of the area as they have insulted the sacrifices made by the agitators.
Read more about Injury to Mamata Banerjee was due to accident: Report by poll observers on Business Standard. The incident in Nandigram which caused injury to Mamata Banerjee was an accident and not a planned attack, according to the report of two poll observers submitted to the EC on Saturday