The numbers out enjoying this fantastic place over lockdowns have been particularly striking. The City of London Corporation reported a 122 per cent increase in visitors. Given the numbers who visited during the most recent lockdown, this estimation may now well be on the low side. One highlight of the period was the trial of cattle grazing for a month from mid-September. The three long horn cows made headlines locally and nationally. A stream of adults and children came to see and be seen with these good natured animals. The trial seemed to go well, so hopefully more longhorns will be coming to graze for a longer period next year.
12:00 PM December 14, 2020
The historic Grade-II listed Wanstead grotto is set to be restored thanks to a £10,000 grant.
- Credit: Heritage of London Trust Archive
The Wanstead Grotto, one of the last surviving remnants of the 18th century Wanstead House, has been saved thanks to a £10,000 grant from a conservation charity.
The Grade-II listed grotto in Wanstead Park was damaged by fire in 1884 and while it has had patchy repairs since then it has been badly declining and was placed on the Heritage at Risk register.
The facade at Wanstead Grotto, which fell into disrepair after a fire in 1884.
- Credit: Heritage of London Trust Archive