Anthony Fauci would like the Jews to know he prefers “latkoos” to “hanoontashen,” but when eating the former, he appreciates both applesauce and sour cream.
America’s best-known infectious disease doctor was the surprise guest at the13th annual Latke vs Hamantaschen Debate at Congregation Beth El in Bethesda, Maryland, held virtually this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Folks, here is Dr. Fauci’s intervention in the 13th annual Latke-Hamantashen Debate at Congregation Beth El in Bethesda, MD, which took place earlier this week. Spoiler: he’s Team Latke. The best part is how he thinks he has to introduce himself in case we don’t know who he is. Yair Rosenberg (@Yair Rosenberg) December 17, 2020