Right after Bill Nighbert was sworn in as president of the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) in 2002, he called his then five-year-old son Benton to the stage, and hoisted him above the podium showing the audience of KLC staff and city officials what drove him to public service.
“This is why I do what I do … here is the reason I serve,” Nighbert told the audience recalled Kentucky League of Cities CEO/Executive Director J.D. Chaney in a Facebook post.
Chaney noted that this moment said a lot about Nighbert.
“In my opinion, that moment captured the Bill Nighbert we knew at KLC – dedicated to his family forever and always driven to pave a better way for the future generations that follow him,” Chaney wrote on Facebook.
County and city leaders around the Peninsula issued a statement announcing a collective effort to create three local vaccination clinic sites, expressing dissatisfaction at the lack of vaccine supply for the area.