Full show March 5, 2021
Over the past year, San Francisco Bay Area has become a hotspot for violence against Asians-Americans; of the 2,808 incidents of violence that the online tracker Stop AAPI Hate has recorded during the pandemic, over 700 hundred incidents occurred in the Bay Area. The Asian Pacific Environmental Network is looking at the diverse needs of the AAPI community, and Bay Area-based poet
Terisa Siagatonu lends her insight to the conversation.
Jan Harada, Executive Director of the HT Hayashi Foundation; Trisha Kehaulani Watson, President of the Kalihi Palama Culture and Arts Society
Island Insurance Foundation on supporting arts and education
Dana Tokioka is President and Executive Director of Island Insurance Foundation, which gave away close to $900 thousand in 2020, including seed funding for the new Downtown Art Center. Under Dana s leadership, the foundation also bought the house for Lee Cataluna s play at Kumu Kahua last December and made the digital production free for all viewers. Tokioka joins us to discuss her foundation s longstanding support for arts and education.
Katherine Don, E.D. of Hawai i Contemporary, discusses the Hawai i Art Summit 2021
Art today is not separate from life and that s the point, according to Katherine Don, Executive Director of Hawai i Contemporary. You know, contemporary art, and the way Hawai i Contemporary is thinking about art, it s not art for art s sake, says Don. Art is a language for communicating change. Whether we re about climate change, or social justice or other relevant issues, these artists are thinking about it too.
The focus of Hawai’i Contemporary’s Art Summit is to introduce themes curators are working through for the Honolulu Triennial in 2022. Those concerns include climate change, income disparity, racism, gun violence, the whole gamut of contemporary concerns are examined through art.