The show must go on: coronavirus impacts western entertainment
Entertainment looked markedly different in 2020 as the world struggled with COVID-19. On the Western Edge, many events continued unimpeded. Though Dickinson’s entertainment industry prevailed this past summer by continuing to host First On First, some major events were cancelled. How did COVID-19 impact entertainment in the west? What can we expect for 2021? Written By: Jackie Jahfetson | ×
Despite the amounting COVID-19 restrictions, the Fourth of July Parade continued on in Dickinson, setting records for the number of attendants in the crowd as well as entry participants. (Dickinson Press File Photo)
Though the holiday season is usually the time of year where people sit amongst the crowds to watch Ebenezer Scrooge encounter the three ghosts of Christmas and hear the ole “A Christmas Carol” story unfold, theatrical plays and entertainment across the country have halted or have