Huron County Vital Statistics
Week of Jan. 25-29
Glenn William and Catherine Zajac Kay to Christopher and Robin Hudson-Ferzo; parcel of land located in Caseville Township
Nancy R. Roth to Robert J. and Susan Lynch; parcel of land located in City of Harbor Beach Bad Axe Homes LLC to Philip and Diane Peyerk; parcel of land located in City of Bad Axe Donna J. Reckker to Scott E. Blanchard; parcel of land located in Village of Ubly
Alfred M. Halasz to Henry R. Tannenbaum Trust; parcel of land located in City of Bad Axe
Karen M. Gough-Rice to Chad Lee McMaster; parcel of land located in Port Austin Township
Last year saw a massive shift of the economy and our lives to the digital sphere – at least for those who were able to be online.
This abrupt shift was no different for the United Nations and ITU, as the UN specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ICTs) was quick to use its in-house expertise to adapt our tools and processes to this new digital reality.
Yesterday, the Geneva Internet Platform and DiploFoundation recognized ITU’s efforts at the 6th Geneva Engage Awards, where our organization won the ‘Online meetings and participation’ category.
More inclusive meetings
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, ITU built on its position as an ICT leader within the UN family to enable our events and meetings to transition online.
This is a bad policy. Let a person be elected as many times as the members of a legislative body want to elect them.
The odds of another Madigan every happening again are miniscule, but term limits are undemocratic.
“The odds of another Madigan every happening again are miniscule”
In Illinois politics? I’m going to go ahead and doubt this theory.
Give credit where credit is due. The Speaker seems serious about reform.
==The Speaker seems serious about reform.==
I’m not disagreeing, but can you elaborate on which rules give that impression?
- Pot calling kettle - Monday, Feb 8, 21 @ 3:48 pm:
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 8): Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) is planning to buy back all the outstanding Islamic Medium-Term Notes (IMTNs) before their respective maturity dates.
These debt papers were issued up to RM2 billion in nominal value. There are seven tranches with coupon rates between 3.93% and 4.5%, as well as maturity dates of between June 25, 2021 and June 23, 2023.
According to a statement to sukuk holders released today, the outstanding IMTNs shall be purchased in whole from the sukuk holders for cash consideration based on the buy-back yield for each tranche of the outstanding IMTN.
The telco will have to seek the bondholders’ consent to buy back the debt papers in an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) to be held on March 1. The EGM will be conducted by poll virtually via Remote Participation and Voting Platform (RPV).
Albany, NY) The Senate Majority will advance election system reforms to protect New Yorkers’ health and our state’s democratic process ahead of the 2021 elections despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The bills that will be passed by the Senate build on the major legislation passed earlier this month, and the historic reforms enacted during the 2019 and 2020 Legislative Session. The legislative package that will be advanced by the Senate Majority includes expanded access to absentee ballots, lower petition requirements for the 2021 elections, remote participation for political party designation conferences, and protections for nursing and long-term care facility residents.
“Just as the work of government must continue despite this pandemic, we must also ensure our democratic processes and elections are protected,”