Associate Professor, Flinders University
The Termination of Pregnancy Bill passed the state’s upper house on Tuesday, meaning abortion will be moved out of the criminal code and instead regulated under health law.
This change paves the way for improved access to abortion, especially for rural women. Abortions can now be provided beyond selected hospitals, and women no longer need to have been South Australian residents for two months or more to access an abortion.
While this is a positive step, important legal hurdles to abortion access remain in South Australia and around the country.
Gestational limits
With the exception of the Northern Territory, where abortion remains a medical practitioner’s decision regardless of the gestation, and the ACT, where no gestational limits apply, Australian jurisdictions now permit abortion on request up to varying points in a pregnancy.
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Share a Yarn ambassadors 2021
14 athletes across 11 different sports have been selected as ambassadors for this year’s Share a Yarn Program. As part of the program, First Nations and non-Indigenous athletes are chosen as ambassadors to undertake cultural training and activities side-by-side, supporting each other to foster reconciliation and improve cultural competency within their own sports.
Australian Matildas football representative Kyah Simon recalls playing at the 2015 FIFA World Cup and locating her family in the stands by looking for the Aboriginal flag.
Netballer Gabrielle Coffey recalls accompanying her mother, a nurse, across the red dirt desert roads to the remote Aboriginal communities around Alice Springs to teach basic health prevention.
Law Council of Australia
The findings and recommendations outlined in the final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety released today, indicate there is much to be done to address systemic issues within the aged care sector says the Law Council of Australia.
Law Council President, Dr Jacoba Brasch QC, in agreeing with the Royal Commission that ‘a philosophical shift is required that places the people receiving care at the centre of quality and safety regulation,’ says the rights of older people need to be embedded in the planning, provision and monitoring of aged care services.
Royal Australian College of GPs
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is inviting GP and GP Registrar researchers to apply for an RACGP Foundation Grant.
The RACGP Foundation Grants and Awards program enables general practice research, providing an evidence base to inform and improve practice and patient outcomes.
The RACGP will distribute up to $450,000 to recipients to support their valuable research. Applications are now open and close 3 May 2021.
RACGP President Dr Karen Price, who is a previous successful RACGP Foundation Grant recipient, encouraged researchers to apply.
“We know that GP research is essential to improving primary healthcare and helping all people in Australia receive high quality care,” she said.