The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) on Monday released the time table or date sheet for ISC - Indian School Certificate, Class XII (12th) Examination 2021, on its official website
The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) on Monday released the time table or date sheet for ICSE - Indian Certificate of Secondary Education, Class X Examination 2021, on its official website
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Examination (RBSE) Thursday released on its official website the time table and date sheet of Class X (Class 10th) exam, according to which the 2021 RBSE Class 10 exams are to begin on May 06, 2021.
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Examination (RBSE) Thursday released on its official website the time table and date sheet of Class XII (Class 12th) exam, according to which the 2021 RBSE Class 12 exams are to begin on May 06, 2021.