Camden Public Library
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Dr. Alicyn Smart, DPM, plant pathologist, and Director of the Plant Disease Diagnostic Center at University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Orono.
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Camden Garden Club’s Winter Horticulture Series continues with a presentation on plant diseases at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 2, hosted by Camden Public Library on Zoom. Please email [email protected] to request a Zoom link to attend.
Identifying and Treating Plant Diseases in Midcoast Maine will be presented by Dr. Alicyn Smart, DPM, plant pathologist, and Director of the Plant Disease Diagnostic Center at University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Orono. Dr. Smart performs diagnostics on plants that are submitted to the Insect and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab. She identifies diseases present and provides recommendations for managing those diseases. This service is available at no charge to Maine residents. Through her work she pinpoints areas where research in plant patho
John T. Pietroski. (Photo courtesy Camden Garden Club)
The third session of the Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series will take place on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. The Camden Public Library will host the program on Zoom and anyone wishing to attend should email to request a Zoom link.
Dealing with Garden Pests: An Integrated Approach for the Home Gardener will be presented by John T. Pietroski, manager of Pesticide Programs, Master Gardener Pesticide Educator and manager of Pesticide Programs at the Maine Board of Pesticide Control in Augusta.
He will discuss the proper approach for home gardeners to apply when diagnosing plant pest problems and how to seek environmentally sound treatments for them. Chronic misuse of pesticides by homeowners and gardeners is a growing problem that affects the local environment. Proper use and application, storage, and disposal of pesticides, as well as other tactics to deter garden pests, such as cultiv
North Haven Garden Club Shares Ideas On Rock Gardens And What To Plant
North Haven Garden Club Shares Ideas On Rock Gardens And What To Plant
Yellow Alpine Alyssum
Rock Cress
January 28, 2021 02:23PM
Do you have an area of your yard that gets a lot of sun, has poor soil quality, and not much water? Â If its a yes, than rock gardens may be the perfect solution for that area. Rock gardens are one of the most unique type of gardens you can have. With the right kind of plants you can create a beautiful area where plants will flourish. Â By adding a sitting area it can also be a place where your mind can relax and rejuvenate. To top it off there are so many different types of rock gardens to choose, Native plants (suggest this one), Japanese, Zen, Succulent, or on a slope or step area. Â When searching for plants you will find that there are a lot to choose from. Here are a few that I think are great.
Alicyn Smart. (Photo courtesy Camden Garden Club)
Camden Garden Club’s Winter Horticulture Series, hosted by Camden Public Library on Zoom, continues on Tuesday, Feb. 2, at 9:30 a.m.
“Identifying and Treating Plant Diseases in Midcoast Maine” will be presented by Dr. Alicyn Smart, DPM, plant pathologist and director of the Plant Disease Diagnostic Center at University of Maine Cooperative Extension in Orono.
Dr. Smart performs diagnostics on plants that are submitted to the Insect and Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab. She identifies diseases present and provides recommendations for managing those diseases. This service is available at no charge to Maine residents. Through her work she pinpoints areas where research in plant pathology is needed, and carries out research to better aid in disease identification and management.
North Haven Garden Clubs Bicycles Decked Out For Valentines
North Haven Garden Clubs Bicycles Decked Out For Valentines Advertisement
January 20, 2021 02:22PM
The North Haven Garden Club members Gerri Giordano and Cindy Golia decided to leave the painted bicycles out year round. They will be decorating them for all the different holidays.  Right now the bicycles are decorated for Valentine Day.  Gerri Giordano decorated the two bicycles on the green and Cindy Golia decorated the bicycle at Todds Pond.  The other bicycle on corner of Broadway and Elm will join the others with Valentines Day decorations.
Don t forget to check out The North Haven Garden Club on Facebook for lots of useful and entertaining information and pictures of all our club does in the Town of North Haven and like our page!!