SOUTH KINGSTOWN Rhode Island native Michael T. Flynn, retired Army general and former national security advisor, is back in the news with reports over the weekend that he seemed to support a military coup in the United States similar to one in Myanmar that recently overthrew the Southeast Asian country’s elected government.
With the headlines comes renewed interest in whether the University of Rhode Island will repeal the honorary degree it gave Flynn seven years ago.
The answer?
“A decision has not yet been made at this time with regard to Lt. General Michael Flynn’s honorary degree from the University,” URI spokeswoman Linda Acciardo wrote in an email to The Journal on Tuesday.
Michael Flynn denied suggesting that a Myanmar-style coup "should happen" in the U.S. after coming under fire for making a remark at a convention appearing to suggest that one should happen.
Lawmakers Want Action Taken Against Michael Flynn After Myanmar Coup Remark
On 6/1/21 at 7:47 AM EDT
Lawmakers have criticized former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn after he appeared to say that a Myanmar-like military coup should happen in the United States.
A handful of Republicans and Democrats hit out at the retired U.S. Army lieutenant general over the holiday weekend, with one calling for action to be taken against the former Trump administration official.
GOP lawmakers on the so-called moderate wing of the party said it was wrong of Flynn to indicate support for the overthrow of the U.S. government, and argued that any fantasies of a coup would be ended quickly.