School budget votes: Check your district here School budget votes (Source: AP images) By 7 News Staff | May 18, 2021 at 8:32 PM EDT - Updated May 18 at 11:34 PM
WATERTOWN, N.Y. (WWNY) - School districts across the north country held budget votes Tuesday. Voters were also selecting school board members and weighing in on various school purchases and projects, depending on the district.
Results are below. We’ll be updating as the information comes in.
Tuesday evening update: All school districts report their budgets have passed. The headline of the night is record turnout in the Ogdensburg City School District and a contentious vote to restore funding to the public library. Voters there increased library funding by $225,000 in a vote of 792 to 405.
CANTON — Road safety concerns along the Route 11 corridor between Canton and Potsdam aren’t new. But with recent collisions and pending state legislation that could lead to a speed
Hermon-DeKalb Central School class leaders
DEKALB JUNCTION â The 2021 Hermon-DeKalb Central School class leaders are Elaine Clark, valedictorian; and Emery D. McQuade, salutatorian.
Elaine Clark
Miss Clark, daughter of Joseph and Heather Clark, has an academic average of 96.61. She will graduate with a Regents Diploma and has earned 12 college credits.
Honors and scholarships she has received include The Clarkson Achievement Award, Junior Key Award, Presidential Award and Horizons Scholarship. She was chosen as a representative for the National Youth Leadership Form in Advanced Medicine and Healthcare, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., and earned a certificate of selection for the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence from Mario Capecchi.
Tuesday, May 4, 2021 - 10:45 am
Elaine Clark
Photo submitted by HDCS.
DEKALB JUNCTION The valedictorian and salutatorian have been named at Hermon-DeKalb Central School for the Class of 2021.
Valedictorian Elaine Clark, daughter of Joseph and Heather Clark, has been named Valedictorian of the Hermon-DeKalb Central School Class of 2021. Her academic achievements have earned her an overall grade point average of 96.61% and she will graduate with a Regents diploma and has earned twelve college credits.
Among her many honors and scholarships, Elaine is a recipient of The Clarkson Achievement Award, the Junior Key Award, the Presidential Award, and the Horizons Scholarship. Elaine was also selected as a representative for the National Youth Leadership Forum in Advanced Medicine and Healthcare at John Hopkins, as well as receiving a certificate of selection for the Congress of Future Medical Leaders Award of Excellence from Mario Capecchi, Ph.D.
PULASKI â Former state Sen. H. Douglas Barclay died Sunday, leaving behind a legacy of exemplary public service.
Mr. Barclay, 88, was over the course of his vast career an attorney, state senator, U.S. ambassador to the Republic of El Salvador, military veteran and businessman, all while never straying far from the Oswego County land his family has farmed since 1807, now known as Douglaston Manor.
Educated as a child at Pulaski Academy, including for a time in a one-room schoolhouse, Mr. Barclay later attended St. Paulâs School in Concord, N.H., before obtaining his bachelorâs degree at Yale University, New Haven, Conn., in 1955.