Demand for Testing is Lower; Resources Redeployed to Vaccination Efforts
Milwaukee – The Milwaukee Health Department will adjust the schedule for COVID-19 testing at American Family Field (formerly Miller Park). The largest testing operation in the region will be open three days per week starting next week. The drive-through and walk-up testing facility at American Family Field will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 am until 6:00 pm.
As the number of COVID-19 infections has declined in Milwaukee in recent weeks, the demand for testing has gone down. The Milwaukee Health Department continues to host testing at the Northwest Health Center (7630 W. Mill Road) and the Southside Health Center (1639 S. 23rd St.) on Mondays through Saturdays from 9:00 am until 2:00 pm.
The American Family Field, Northwest and Southside Health Center COVID-19 testing sites in Milwaukee will be closed Monday "due to dangerous wind chills."
Here’s the latest update on COVID-19 in Milwaukee and the resources you need to combat it.
New ways to register for COVID-19 vaccine
The City of Milwaukee has launched a new webpage for residents to register for the COVID-19 vaccine.
The new registration options are meant for those who are eligible, including the 65+ population and first responders.
The webpage includes a listing of people who are eligible, and a ‘Register Now’ button that redirects visitors to answer questions, check availability and make an appointment.
Spots have been filling up quickly for the registrations since the site launched due to high demand.
Affinia Healthcare nurse Felicia Standifer gives Judith Pruitt her first shot of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine on Jan. 23 at the Beloved Community United Methodist Church in south St. Louis. Pruitt said she preferred to wait for her assisted living facility to offer the vaccine, rather than signing up online. Kayla Drake / St. Louis Public Radio
Originally published on January 27, 2021 4:30 pm
Updated at 4:30 p.m. Jan. 27, with information on health department hotlines in Madison County, St. Louis County and East St. Louis
A lack of vaccine hotlines in the St. Louis region is making it hard for senior citizens to access information about how to get vaccinated for COVID-19.