Classroom Teacher: K, 1, 6 Dual Language Spanish
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Exciting News! The city of Providence, RI finally has a K-8 Spanish Dual Language option for interested families! Nuestro Mundo is a new independent public charter school opening in South Providence in September that will help students to achieve true bilteracy in a highly supportive school setting. Our curriculum is student-centered, project based, and promotes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by UNESCO, to justly develop and sustain our multicultural world.
We are now recruiting staff to join our founding team. We seek teachers whose skill and passion for teaching and whose personal values will make working at our school a true “dream job”. Bilingual Spanish, TESOL, and monolingual English certified teachers may apply for the open positions on our K, 1 and 6th grade teams. We look forward to interviewing teachers from Southern Connecticut State University, and hope you ll share this opportunity within
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