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US asks 24 Russian diplomats to leave country

US asks 24 Russian diplomats to leave country August 4, 2021 MOSCOW: Russia s ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by September 3 after their visas expire, heightening tensions between the two countries, a British wire service reported. In an interview with the National Interest magazine published here, Ambassador Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US action was prompted by a particular dispute. He said nearly all would be leaving without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures. US State Department spokesperson Ned Price, responding to the comments, said on Monday that Washington was not using Russian diplomats visas to retaliate against Moscow. He said the ambassador s characterisation was not accurate.

Moskva: SAD zatražio od 24 ruska diplomata da napuste zemlju do 3 rujna

Moskva: SAD zatražio od 24 ruska diplomata da napuste zemlju do 3. rujna 02. kolovoza 2021. u 21:58 Podijelite članak Ruski veleposlanik u Sjedinjenim Državama kazao je da je Washington zatražio od 24 ruska diplomata da napuste zemlju do 3. rujna, nakon što su im istekle vize. Veleposlanik Anatolij Antonov nije kazao je li američki zahtjev potaknut nekim posebnim sporom, a Washington za sada nije komentirao navode. Gotovo svi će otići bez zamjene jer je Washington naglo pooštrio procedure izdavanja viza , kazao je Antonov u intervjuu za časopis National Interest objavljenom u nedjelju. Odnosi Moskve i Washingtona dugo su loši, a dodatno su se pogoršali nakon što je američki predsjednik Joe Biden izjavio kako vjeruje da je ruski predsjednik Vladimir Putin ubojica.

واشنطن تأمر 24 دبلوماسيا روسيا بالمغادرة مطلع أيلول - Lebanese Forces Official Website

واشنطن تأمر 24 دبلوماسيا روسيا بالمغادرة مطلع أيلول ذكر سفير روسيا لدى الولايات المتحدة، أن واشنطن أمرت 24 دبلوماسيا روسيا بالمغادرة بحلول 3 أيلول المقبل. وتأتي هذه الخطوة بعد وقت قصير على إعلان واشنطن تسريح نحو مائتين من الموظفين المحليين الذين يعملون في بعثاتها الدبلوماسية في روسيا. وكانت الخطوتان ضمن سلسلة من الإجراءات تتخذهما الدولتان بعد تأزم العلاقات الأميركية الروسية. وفي مقابلة مع مجلة “ناشيونال إنترست”، قال السفير أناتولي أنتونوف، إن السفارة تلقت قائمة بأربعة وعشرين دبلوماسيا روسيا يتوقع مغادرتهم الولايات المتحدة بحلول الثالث م�

AS Bantah Klaim Rusia tentang Pulangnya Diplomat

AS Bantah Klaim Rusia tentang Pulangnya Diplomat  03/08/2021 Associated Press Juru bicara Departemen Luar Negeri AS, Ned Price, dalam konferensi pers di Washington, DC, 17 Februari 2021. (Foto: KEVIN LAMARQUE / POOL / AFP) Teruskan share Print Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat (AS) membantah pengakuan Duta Besar Rusia bahwa Washington memerintahkan 24 diplomat Rusia untuk meninggalkan AS pada 3 September. Dalam sebuah wawancara dengan majalah The National Interest, Duta Besar Anatoly Antonov mengatakan, Kedutaan Rusia menerima daftar 24 diplomat Rusia yang dijadwalkan akan meninggalkan AS dalam waktu dua bulan. Perkembangan itu terjadi tidak lama setelah AS mengatakan, telah memberhentikan hampir 200 staf lokal yang bekerja untuk misi diplomatiknya di Rusia karena larangan baru untuk mempekerjakan warga Rusia atau warga dari negara ketiga yang diberlakukan oleh Rusia.

U S orders 24 Russian diplomats to leave by Sept 3: Russian ambassador

1 2021-08-03 08:26:28Xinhua Editor : Li Yan ECNS App Download Then Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov speaks during an interview with China s Xinhua News Agency in Moscow, Russia, April 17, 2016. (Xinhua/Bai Xueqi) The Russian ambassador to the United States said that Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 due to visa expiration. We received a list of twenty-four diplomats who are expected to leave the country before September 3, 2021, Russian Ambassador Anatoly Antonov said in an interview with the Washington-based The National Interest published on Sunday. Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures.

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