Visiting Assistant Professor of Music (Voice) - Miami University
This is a Permanent, Full-time position.
Category: College/University
State/Province: Oxford, OH
Deadline: March 5, 2021
Job Description / Duties
Music: Visiting Assistant Professor of Music (Voice) for the 2021-22 academic year to teach applied voice, advise and recruit talented students, and provide service to the institution. Other responsibilities may include assisting with the Opera production, and teaching courses such as Lyric Diction, Vocal Pedagogy and Song Repertoire.
The Department of Music at Miami University is housed within the College of Creative Arts, a division that also comprises the departments of Architecture + Interior Design, Art, Emerging Technology in Business and Design, and Theatre. The department has a long history of preparing professional music educators, scholars, composers, and performers. We foster a comprehensive music curriculum served by a group of dedicated and passionate art