Usually on Inauguration Day of a new president, his predecessor rides quietly into the sunset. Trump, with a typical lack of decency and decorum, is skipping Joe Biden
While celebrating a new era, the political world especially Republicans are vigorously debating whether Trump is a spent force or will remain a disruptive figure.
Ever since the mob assault on the Capitol and ensuing second House impeachment, Trump may be a permanent loser. His poll ratings have dropped, and businesses are running away from anything associated with the Trump brand.
Unlike the lonely figure of Mitt Romney
Even many of those Republicans opposing impeachment condemn Trump s actions and character. There almost certainly will be more damaging stuff coming out, with multiple investigations and tell-all revelations from former Trumpites trying to salvage their reputations.
America May Not Be the Same after Trump Is Gone
Abdul Mannan
16th January, 2021 04:10:04
The 45th President of the United States will be out of office on Wednesday, 20th January after Joe Biden takes over as the 46th President. Unlike most of his predecessors Trump will be leaving behind a battered, bruised and divided America, something similar to pre-Lincoln era when America was divided between the whites and blacks, the later known as Negroes or Nigers. These blacks were free people who lived in Africa till the English slave traders brought them forcefully to their colony America to be sold as plantation workers. Though President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in 1865, the country plunged into a Civil War and America was virtually divided and seven states of the South that insisted slavery should stay. These States seceded in 1960, even before the Abraham Lincoln was elected to the presidency. Later four more States joined and these eleven States came to be known as Confed
To mark the historic inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46
th President of the United States, Edge Hill University is hosting an online webinar discussing race relations in America and whether the new president can reverse the damage already done.
An End and a Beginning? Race Relations in the United States: The Trump Legacy and the Biden Presidency, brings together three leading civil rights authorities from the U.S to examine the lasting impact of the Trump administration on race relations as well as whether the Biden Presidency provides opportunities for change
The free online webinar, hosted by the University’s Institute for Social Responsibility (ISR) and International Centre on Racism (ICR), is open to the public and will be held on 19