Friday February 19, 2021, 5:49 AM
It is hoped training will help staff identify the importance of children s rights and how they can support them. Credit: ITV Channel TV
All Jersey government staff will have to complete children s rights training.
The hour-long interactive course will help staff to identify what children s rights are, why they are important and how the government and individuals can promote them.
The new training comes ahead of a proposed law change, which will see the government and some public authorities have to prove that they have considered children s rights.
The Due Regard law is expected to be debated later this year or in early 2022.
Despite a promise from his predecessor of 30 hours of nursery care, rather than 20 from September, Deputy Jeremy Maçon says the plan needs further consultation.
Wednesday February 10, 2021, 9:45 AM
Deputy Maçon said he had not ditched the intention but said the move would require consultation with industry as well as changes to the Nursery Education Fund. Credit: ITV Channel TV
Funded nursery hours, for three and four-year-olds in Jersey will not be extended from the current 20 hours to 30 without fresh consultation, says the new Education Minister.
Deputy Jeremy Maçon has refused to follow through with the commitment expressed by Senator Tracey Vallois in December last year.
He said he had not ditched the intention but said the move would require consultation with industry as well as changes to the Nursery Education Fund.