BARNSTABLE The East Falmouth man charged with shooting two Falmouth police officers in 2018 is seeking a jury-waived trial in front of a judge.
Malik Koval, 23, who is facing multiple counts of assault and battery as well as several other charges, was expected to enter a plea Tuesday during his hearing in Barnstable Superior Court, which was conducted via Zoom.
A Barnstable County grand jury indicted Koval in November 2018 on two counts each of armed assault to murder, assault and battery with a firearm and assault and battery on a police officer, as well as one count each of possession of a firearm without a firearms identification card, carrying a loaded firearm without a license, possession of ammunition without a firearms identification card, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, threat to commit crime and disturbing the peace.
NANTUCKET A Nantucket man pleaded guilty March 10 in Nantucket Superior Court to reporting a false crime in connection with an investigation about racist graffiti spray-painted in 2018 across the door of the historic African Meeting House.
Jeffrey Sayle, 51, was sentenced to one year and six months probation and was ordered to pay $900 in probation supervision fees and $50 in victim/witness assessment fees, according to court records.
Judge Douglas Wilkins also ordered that Sayle complete 100 hours of community service, be evaluated by a licensed social worker regarding racial sensitivity issues and attend any counseling ordered.
Because Sayle pleaded guilty to the charge of reporting a false crime, the commonwealth decided to no longer press a separate charge of intimidating a witness/jury/court official/police officer, according to court records.
By the end of the year, it may also be the site of a makeshift courtroom.
The state trial court took a walk-through of the Hyannis resort on Monday to assess its suitability as a potential location for jury trials to resume in a safe way during the pandemic.
“In addition to the six-person jury trials that will be conducted at Barnstable Superior Court, the trial court is looking at potential off-site locations for jury business in Barnstable County,” court spokeswoman Jennifer Donahue wrote in an email. Nothing has been finalized at this time.
These sites could be used for jury business during the pandemic, either as a jury pool assembly location or potentially to conduct entire jury trials, from impanelment to verdict, Donahue said.