Resolution Minerals Ltd (ASX:RML) Operations Update 64North Project, Alaska
Operations Update 64North Project, AlaskaPerth, Dec 14, 2020 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Resolution Minerals Ltd (
ASX:RML) announce that the drilling of Holes #8 and #9 has been completed at the Central Zone of the Aurora Prospect adjacent to the world-class, high-grade Pogo Gold Mine (
- Drilling targeted the extensions of the shallow dipping Pogo-style 7m thick quartz vein intersected on hole #7 (20AU07) drilling pierce points up-dip and along-strike with step-outs of 100m and 200m
- Zones of quartz veining and intense alteration were intersected in both holes with zones of interest from Hole #8 (228-230m, 309-310m, 477-478m & 567-571m) and Hole #9 (112-114m & 212-213m)
Resolution Minerals Ltd (ASX:RML) New Copper Project Acquired - Northern Territory
New Copper Project Acquired - Northern TerritoryAdelaide, Dec 15, 2020 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Resolution Minerals Ltd (
ASX:RML) is pleased to announce that it has signed a binding term sheet with Strategic Energy Resources Ltd (
ASX:SER) (Vendors) as an Option to Purchase a 100% interest in EL32228 which covers approximately 663km2 in the NT on Benmara Station (Tenement). Upon completion, Resolution will hold a 100% unencumbered interest in the Tenement.
Binding term sheet to acquire 100% of Benmara Project covering 663km2 along-strike from the Walford Creek Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn-Co and Westmoreland U Deposits on the Fish River Fault
Valence Industries Limited (ASX:VXL) announces that the sale of foreign holdings resulting from the demerger of the Company from its former parent, Strategic Energy Resources Limited (ASX:SER) has been completed - Valence was named Tarcoola Gold Limited at that time.Read Full Article▸
During the six month period to 31 December 2013, Valence Industries (ASX:VXL) raised $1,000,000 in capital to enable it to undertake the activities required to list on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).Read Full Article▸
Valence Industries (ASX:VXL) is to raise up to $10.1 million at 20c per Share with a 1 for 1 attaching Option. The Offer comprises a non-renounceable Rights Issue to the Company s 3600 existing shareholders and a Placement offer. Read Full Article▸