Many jails still do not do any testing. Advocates push for more focus on Michigan jails & COVID
Lawuits have been filed against Oakland and Wayne County jails
More than 135 Michigan Department of Correction inmates have died from COVID-19. Itâs a troubling statistic, but MDOC prisons account for only half of the picture when it comes to the virus and inmates.
Posted at 1:11 PM, Feb 12, 2021
and last updated 2021-02-12 18:29:25-05
Wayne County Chief Judge Timothy Kenny has been working to stop the spread of COVID-19. Through bond reductions and early releases, he s helped to send home over 400 inmates since last March.
A Michigan inmate deserves the right to a possible new trial for a slaying that a self-professed hit man allegedly confessed to committing, the state Court of Appeals ruled Thursday.
Thelonious Searcy, 41, was convicted in 2005 of first-degree murder in connection with the shooting of Jamal Segars as he sat in traffic near the Coleman A. Young Airport on the city’s east side Sept. 5, 2004.
Searcy is serving life in prison at the Thumb Correctional Facility where, his attorney says, he s been infected twice with COVID-19.
The attorney, Michael Dezsi, said Thursday that whether or not Searcy gets a new trial or the conviction is dismissed will be up to Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.
Detroit Electrical problems persist Wednesday throughout the Third Judicial Court system s offices downtown following an outage at the Penobscot Building where computer and power servers for the court system are located.
The power outage was first reported Tuesday and interrupted telephone connections for the Third Circuit Court system. The problem has halted Zoom capabilities with some of the court s facilities, officials said.
As of Wednesday, phone service remains limited for court offices at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Frank Murphy Hall of Justice and the Lincoln Hall of Justice. Court officials are urging those with scheduled court proceedings Wednesday to call their assigned courtroom for further instructions or log on to the court s website at
Jan 25, 2021 11:00 EST
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Two men vying to be the next Wayne County sheriff were accused of sexual harassment by female deputies who received an $85,000 settlement from the county.
Robert Dunlap, chief of jails and courts at the Sheriff s Office, and Raphael Washington, deputy chief of jail and courts, are among 14 candidates who applied for the appointment to replace former Sheriff Benny Napoleon, who died last month after battling COVID-19.
A panel of three Wayne County officials Prosecutor Kym Worthy, Clerk Cathy Garrett and Chief Probate Judge Freddie Burton said they would make the appointment Friday.
The panel interviewed nine candidates Thursday afternoon via Zoom. Washington was questioned for 26 minutes but the panel didn t ask him about the lawsuit allegations or the settlement the county paid out. Instead, the panel focused on things like Washington s plans to handle potential unrest, what he hoped to accomplish in his first 100 days and his position on incarcerating nonviolent offen