A newly uncovered ransomware variant dubbed 'Epsilon Red' is targeting organizations in the US hospitality sector, with the threat actor successfully extorting
Paul Rudnick‘s “Playing The Palace” has been years in the making. The Novel follows a New York City event planner named Carter Ogden who unexpectedly sparks .
https://www.afinalwarning.com/522727.html (Natural News) The horrifying crimes against humanity once pursued by the Third Reich are now being repeated in America, but this time under the label of “covid vaccines.”
UPDATE: This article is being misconstrued. It does not call for violence. It calls for Nuremberg style trials against those researchers who are using children for medical experiments.
This article is being removed until further notice.
Healthy human children are being injected with deadly biological weapons spike proteins that even the Jonas Salk Institute conclusively identifies as the culprit behind vascular disease and blood clots. These children are being recruited into mRNA medical experiments that transform their own bodies into bioweapons factories, churning out spike protein particles that may kill them, all while researchers watch and document the horrifying consequences.
https://www.afinalwarning.com/520489.html (Natural News) Americans concerned about the Democratic left’s encroaching Marxism throughout our society will be alarmed to discover that the encroachment has already, officially, reached the height of our government: The Biden regime.
As reported exclusively by Human Events magazine, a leaked State Department memo declares that the Stalinist Black Lives Matter movement has been officially endorsed by the Biden White House, and the endorsement will become visible to our enemies and friends alike through the display of the BLM flag and other visible support May 25.
The memo notes that all U.S. “Diplomatic and Consular posts” are being ‘encouraged’ to show their support for BLM, whose founders, by the way, have stated plainly that they are “trained Marxists,” to mark the one-year anniversary of the death of George Floyd, the drug-dealing criminal who has been lionized by the left after being unfortunate enough to have died