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Nearly half of all websites use cookies small text files stored on internet users’ computers and mobile devices so web servers can track that user. Cookies come in a variety of flavors in terms of their purpose, the party placing the cookie, and the duration they last on a user’s device. For example, a cookie may have a functional (
ex. cookies that remember visitors’ preferred language), analytical (
ex. cookies that report site usage statistics), or advertising/marketing purpose (
ex. cookies used to retarget advertising to visitors). “First-party cookies” are placed directly by the website being visited while “third-party cookies” are set by another party other than the website’s owner. “Session cookies” are deleted after the user’s session on the website ends while “persistent cookies” can last from days to years after the end of the user’s session.
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In this last discussion of the Smith and Alexander families, we examine financial exploitation, its impact on suitability in appointing a conservator, and steps that a conservator can take if there is evidence of prior financial exploitation. As background, Johnny developed Alzheimer’s, and Moira cared for Johnny at their home, with the help of an in-home nurse. When Randall and Twyla were concerned with how Moira was spending their father’s money, they appropriately filed for a conservatorship. Randall and Twyla asked for an independent conservator to be appointed over Johnny, to which the court agreed, despite Moira’s objection.
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Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (popularly referred to as THC) is widely considered the rock star of cannabinoids. However, Delta-9-THC isn’t the only cannabinoid with psychoactive effects that are emerging on the scene. In fact, it was forced to share the spotlight with its lesser-known cousin, Delta-8-THC, in a recent Rolling Stone article. Does this mean we should expect to see a new cannabinoid rising star on the horizon?
As Rolling Stone highlighted in its article, there is good reason to buy into the hype surrounding Delta-8.
In some ways, Delta-8 sounds too good to be true. But it isn’t. For people who want to feel the psychoactive effects of Delta-9 yet find it gives them paranoia or anxiety, Delta-8 is a quasi-legal option available online. And unlike Delta-9, Delta-8 is significantly cheaper, making it a viable option for some people looking for a short uplifting feeling without being intoxicated. But judging
Hub Hires: Burns & Levinson, Womble, Locke Lord
Law360 (January 29, 2021, 2:47 PM EST) January was a busy month for law firm hires around the greater Boston area, as Burns & Levinson LLP added a pair of new partners, a high-profile assistant U.S. attorney landed in a boutique litigation firm and a Peabody & Arnold LLP partner traded in her practice for a robe as she was nominated to the state court bench.
Here are the latest notable moves in the Boston legal market.
Burns & Levinson LLP
Beth R. Myers The Boston firm announced two partner hires to kick off the New Year. Plaintiff employment litigator Beth R. Myers has joined the firm as.
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Brazilian PTO published on December 29, 2020, Phase II (Ordinance No. 404/2020) of Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) program, implementing new rules for the acceptance into the program. The ordinance is in force since January 01, 2021, and will be
valid until December 31, 2024. Phase II will follow the same criteria as phase I with the following changes:
1. an applicant can submit one PPH request every
weekly cycle (instead of the previous monthly cycle);
2. the program will allow a total of up to
600 requests per annual cycle;
3. the program will allow up to
150 requests per annual cycle related to the same Section of the International Patent Classification (IPC); and