DVB-S2X WideBand Demodulator IP This is a high-performance, dual high-symbol-rate (HSR) DVB-S2/S2X demodulator IP extarcted from production chipsets with integrated tuner and silcon proven technology. The demodulators are compliant with Annex M of the DVB-S2 specification EN 302 307 and can demodulate signals up to 500 Msymbol/s. Each HSR demodulator may demodulate up to 2 slices. This implements 8 multi-standard demodulators capable of DVB-S, DTV legacy, DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X broadcast-profile signal processing.
This IP incorporates a high-speed DVB-S2 forward error corrector (FEC) which is designed to handle up to 720 Mchannel-b/s at its input. This allows for 8 simultaneous 8PSK decodes at 30 Msymbol/s. This capacity is shared between the demodulators and may be allocated at will, provided that the maximum capacity limit is not exceeded.This IP features four integrated full-band capture tuners which cover the band 950 to 2150 MHz. The signal is sampled by high-performance an
Philips TV Tuner History pt5
Competition and Growth
We have reached the end of the 1980s, probably the turning point in the Philips Tuner history. On the one hand the business has been doing well: constant consolidation of (mainly European and US) competitors has substantially increased the market share and volumes, making it one of the global top3 tuner makers. However, in parallel the emergence of Japanese competition has made the business environment increasingly harsh, with a serious pressure on profitability and thus cost. Although Philips with its UV800 tuner family has probably made the best tuner ever in terms of robustness and performance, this model is clearly too big and expensive and in the coming two decades we will see a continuous drive for cost reduction and the associated size reduction. One of the most remarkable steps in this context is the move to the World Standard Pinning (WSP), with Philips agreeing with its main competitors Alps and Matsushita